Is your website over 5 years old?
Are you missing out on sales or leads because your website isn’t mobile friendly or dated?
We know how websites should work, we know great looking, performing websites and we can do it for you.
Is your website over 5 years old?
Are you missing out on sales or leads because your website isn’t mobile friendly or dated?
We know how websites should work, we know great looking, performing websites and we can do it for you.
Obscured logo
Unusable menu
Trying to show everything on one page
Unreadable content
Clear logo and branding
Clear navigation and social links
Clear, readable content
More content to scroll into view
Google have provided an excellent tool to let everyone know how their website scores called PageSpeed Insights.
Google have provided help in the form of a simple online tool that evaluates your website for mobile.
How does your site match up to your competitors? A well built, attractive website increases confidence and trust. It’s also more effective by using modern sales and conversation techniques.
We love websites and we love how businesses use them everyday. But we often see poorly performing websites which are in need of some love and TLC from professional designers and developers who can bring it into the modern age with a fresh look, focus and functionality.
But why should you care what Google thinks? In October 2017 Google owned 91% of the search engine market, Bing in 2nd places had 2.5%. If you care about your online exposure then you should give serious consideration to Googles advice.
And why care about mobile? In October 2017, mobile devices were used 5% more than desktops. It doesn’t sound much but if 1000 desktop visitors came to your site, a potential 1050 visitors could use a mobile device and if you’re not mobile ready, you lost more visitors than you’d want to know about.