Far more flexible than running your own in house team but with all the benefits because we understand you don’t need a hosting engineer, developer, designer, copy writer and assistant everyday but when you do, you’ll have one!
Below we have put together the must have systems and processes to ensure a website has maximum performance and security and minimal downtime along with some day to day activities of running a busy website.
Security and performance of a wordpress website is maintained via the update process but is often neglected due to uncertainty or just ignored which puts the website at risk of hacking and slow or poor performance and also withholds new and exciting features that would be available to you.
Every fear business and website owners have is the website disappearing and never coming back, and those fears are not unfounded. A website lives on a piece of hardware, even if it’s in the “Cloud”, it still needs hardware and that hardware can fail and lose everything held on it which is why independent, offsite, verified backups with a quick restore process are a life saver for that day you hope never happens.
Websites are only as secure as their weakest vulnerability and they’re a
little like the homes we live in. A home is only as secure as the doors, windows and locks use
to keep the contents safe. If one of those doors or windows was left open, or someone forced
themselves in, then they have access to everything inside.
With out getting technical, websites have doors and windows too which can be left open. For your
peace of mind, we’ll make sure they’re kept shut and locked for you, keeping your data safe
and website online.
Website will do what websites do if you’re watching or not, although the search engines (Google) and worse, your customers may be watching when you’re not a have a negative impact if slow or down on a regular basis which is why we have put a comprehensive monitoring service together which is always watching, recording and alerting us to important changes in service.
Your website requires a number of different services to keep the wheels
on and turning. These services can be unsuitable or expire, logins lost or unsure of who’s
looking after what.
We provide a simple, under one roof, one person to call service for your entire website,
simplifying things from your end and we’ll make sure you’re paying for the right products at
the right price.
A successful, busy, up to date website is hard to achieve, manage and
continue consistently without something else in the business becoming more important and
taking time away from the website. Once this starts happening the website quickly falls
behind, becoming harder to bring up to date and becomes a burden no one wants to deal with.
We hear it allot which is why you can lean on us.